Content module № 1 (Tetiana Kostiuk)
Topic 1. Civilizational in a global era
Within this topic the issues of formation, development and functioning of the global society, advantages and disadvantages, main factors, principles and mechanisms of interstate cooperation on conditions of globalized world are highlighted. It is suggested to evaluate the role of multinational corporations as powerful actors of international relations, to evaluate the role of economic processes in the development of any state and the overall world agenda.
Following the stated rules of the triple approach to all the processes and topics analyzed in the framework of the project, the transition from international to the state (national) affaires consider as appropriate to determine the issue of preserving nation-states on conditions of globalization. Scientific discourse on this topic operates with the concepts of “weak state” and “failed state”. Issues of developing a national sustainable development strategy in the context of integration, the importance and effectiveness of a national identity strategy, and analysis of good practices (e.g., economic miracles) are proposed for discussion.
Going deeper into the issue of public policy in the context of integration, much attention is paid to the phenomenon of transit as a special form of fragmentary assimilation in the context of policy assimilation as a special mechanism for de-/ reconstruction of national identity.
Topic 2. International socio-political aspects of coexistence
Topic 2 is also proposed in the context of international-state-public and their implementation under current conditions of the integration processes. The focus of attention is gradually shifting from the typological characteristics of the main integration processes and the phenomenon of presence to the most common forms of manifestation: superficiality/ domination, control and/ or independence and parity.
The features of European integration at the present stage are examined through the prism of analyzing such components as “integration policy”, “integrated membership” and with a consistent analysis of the standard of living in the EU Member States. Such analysis covers all stages of EU enlargement, analysis of political and economic crises, and neighborhood policy. Comprehensive discussion of integration processes in the EU in light of the benefits to society inevitably touches issues of the Euro skepticism and disintegration sentiments expansion.
The third powerful block within the Topic 2 is devoted to the analysis of the independent Ukraine’s integration movement, its experience and influence on the character of state and social development. The stages of the Ukraine-EU relations development and adjusting of the priorities of foreign policy development will be analyzed in details, as well as the influence of information limitations and dosing on the prospects of the country’s development and accession/ non-accession to the EU. The issues of long-lasting internal political crisis are seen through the prism of foreign policy fluctuations.
Topic 3. Political-legal theories applicable to actual problems in the EU and world
The political and legal justification of the concept of “legal democratic state” and its attributive characteristics as, for example, the distribution of power, decentralization and delegation of power to the State administrative units, the rule of law, freedom of speech and access to public information, freedom of political beliefs are the core for processing. It is required to cover issues of modern interstate relations in the context of hybrid wars, information wars, as well as measures to develop an appropriate model of state behavior and public response to information content under the above conditions. Much attention has been paid in the context of modern international relations to the phenomenon of humanitarian interventions, their validity, legitimacy in terms of international law and counteraction policy.
Among the theoretical aspects of the issues raised there will be considered the duality of “country-state”, “law-norm”, “law-policy” and “theory-science” concepts which constitute the cognitive problems of modernity are proposed for consideration.
Topic 4. European integration and contemporary specifics
Thematic block 4 is fully devoted to the integration processes in Europe from the end of World War II to the present day. All periods of enlargement and the ideological and political underpinning of the idea of enlargement at each stage will be analyzed. The focus of attention is on the institutional policy of this supranational entity, the dominance of European law over national law, the issues of common economic, monetary and legal policy. Among other things, the issues of political integration and the reasons for the failure of ratification of the EU Constitution in the Member States will be explored.
Course participants will be asked to undertake a SWOT analysis of the EU integration policy at the present stage, to highlight internal and external threats to the European Community, taking into account the request of non-member countries and the disintegration processes within the EU (Euro skepticism, BrExit, etc.). The list of topics in the context of discussing regional integration tendencies must include consideration of the prospects of Ukraine becoming a full member, the tasks for implementation and the order of harmonization and adaptation of legislation.
Topic 5. National identity and cultural heritage
Issues of national identity and the preservation of cultural heritage will be addressed in Topic 5 as part of the harmonization of national legislation and the adaptation of sectoral policies and public administration standards to EU requirements and norms. The topic of preserving national traditions and achievements in a globalized world and preserving national identity in the context of European integration will be particularly discussed.
The second block to discuss is the introduction of an international component in education, science and research. Projects on international cooperation in higher education (Erasmus+, Horizon 2020, Fulbright Program, British Council programs, etc.) will be discussed in details; the advantages and disadvantages of academic mobility programs and their types will be discussed (partly from the experience of project participants and the audience); state and institutional strategic perspectives for the development of international cooperation in education and research, its forms and conditions for participation. PhD students will be asked to list problematic issues in line with their knowledge and/ or work experience and to propose mechanisms for addressing these issues for submission to public authorities and government.